Lifetime Financial Security for TBI Plaintiffs, discusses the importance of financial security for plaintiffs who have suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and how utilizing a structured settlements can guarantee a secure future. Understanding this holistic approach ensures those who are living with brain injuries will always have a roof over their heads, food on their tables, appropriate medical care, and a comfortable lifestyle for themselves and their families. Authored by Creative Capital's VP & General Counsel, Martin Jacobson, Esq was recently the feature article in the Brain Injury Association of America's Spring 2014

issue of the THE Challenge!.
Please click here to read, Lifetime Financial Security for TBI Plaintiffs.
About the Author:
Marty Jacobson is a licensed attorney in New York and New Jersey with extensive trial experience in both the state and federal courts. In addition to overseeing CCI's in-house legal team, Marty is a renowned author and CLE provider to the bench & bar in the areas of ethical considerations in structured settlements and periodic judgments.
The Creative Approach
Creative Capital, as a supporter of such organizations as the American Association for Justice (AAJ) and its affiliate chapters, Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA), and American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), strives to ensure that plaintiffs and their attorneys are provided with an unparalleled level of services and structured solutions.
In addition to our legal support, CCI's structured settlement experts are available both in-person and remotely for mediation strategy planning and to present individually designed plans to meet the unique requirements of each case.
As with all of our Structured Settlement solutions, Creative Capital offers these services to our clients -
Free of Charge. We believe it is our value of ethics, experience and expertise that has made us the recognized authority in structured settlements, structured attorneys' fees, periodic judgments and more with attorneys nationwide.
Do you have a Traumatic Brain Injury or Personal Injury case that you have previously settled or are in the process of settling? At no cost to you or your client, see why trial attorneys nationwide insist on CCI - Contact us today.